Hand of the Week

June 24th 2024 - Lola Craw Pairs, session 3       

North passes and East opens 1S.    South can double here but I think it's best to just Pass.    West will bid 2D.   Pass by North.

East has the important decision now.    2D could be on just a 4-card diamond suit, you'd rather play in spades or no-trumps.    Counting your losers you find you have only 5 losers, this is strong.   If partner has even two spades you have a double fit and and easy Game, possibly slam.    Partner is promising 10+ points and will usually bid on over 2S, which should show six spades.     Or you can raise diamonds.    Raising to 3D is timid, that would be 7 losers.    So I think a raise to 4D or even 5D is called for, but of course you're then missing out on 3NT or 4S.

After 2S by East, West will keep going, not happily.    3D is okay, or 3C, or 2NT, or you can add a bit for the long diamonds and upgrade straight to 3NT.

If East raises to 3D or 4D then West should push on to 5D.    It's a 6-loser hand.     4D by East shows a 6-loser hand, so if you're brave you could ask for aces and give 6D a go.

Game makes in diamonds or no-trumps.    An extra trick is going to make a big difference, whether you're scoring 600 or 620 or 630.

4S is not a great contract, it can be beaten if South leads a diamond, North suddenly wakes up and ruffs.    A heart back and another diamond ruff, and KQ spades later.

12 tricks in diamonds is possible, the spades ruff good.